Monday, September 12, 2005

English Corner #1

A junior manager, a senior manager and their boss were on their way to a lunch meeting. In the taxi, they found a lamp. The boss rubbed it, and a genie appeared. “I’ll grant you one wish each,” the genie said.
Grabbing the lamp from his boss, the eager senior manager shouted, “I want to be on a fast boat in the Bahamas with no worries.” And, poof, he was gone.
The junior manager couldn’t keep quite. He shouted, “I want to be in California, with beautiful girls, food and cocktails.” And, poof, he was gone.
Finally, it was the boss’s turn. “I want those idiots back in the office after lunch.”


Three men are sitting in the waiting room of a hospital. A nurse walks over to the first one and says, “Congratulations. You’re the father of twins.”
“What a coincidence,” he says. “I work for Twin Towers Bank.”
A while later, the nurse comes out to congratulate the second man. “You’re the proud father of triplets,” she tells him
“That’s funny,” says the new dad. “I work for AAA.”
The third expectant father jumps up, a look of terror on his face, and runs for the door.
“sir, where are you going?” the nurse calls out.
He yells over his shoulder, “I work for 10,000 Auto Parts!”

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